Shit Jobs for White Boys..

Lessons learned, Including … Shit Jobs for White Boys

There are many lessons to be learned in Donald Trump’s victory.

Clearly he brings a different set of values to the situation. He is shaking things up and I can’t help but try to imagine how things might end up.

It’s exciting and a little scary too.

Don’t you agree?

There can be no doubt that President’s leadership style will be emulated by tens of thousands of times,if not millions by bright energetic up and comers.

They will look to learn the lessons of the campaign.

Not the least of which is…

-You don’t have to mean, what you say…

Not if you are a leader

     …like President Trump.

What might this mean to a multi-national whose interests may vary from those of the United States from time to time?

Are we approaching Science Fiction reality TV show where the billionaire class has finally suppressed the minions?

(If so, can we pluckily survive and reverse the damage?)

What new and innovative ways will tomorrow’s leaders leverage their skills of deceit?

I shudder at the implications. It is already hard enough sorting real news from fake news

For now, we can only look at the new appointees and wonder what the repercussions they and Trumps announced policies they suggest.

It’s Hands Off,  In terms of Regulations

A – ‘do what you want, say what you need to’  style of corporate governance.

Say anything and not mean it.

That’s the corporate side. Meanwhile…

The governmental disruption appears seismic in proportion.   Many new appointments, most with a theme of disruption.

Sessions to EPA – May as well say: Let the rape of the land and plunder proceed, we just don’t believe in the EPA.

As to workers getting jobs, here’s my take.

By combining a “cut the minimum wage” Labor Secretary, with an the export workers immigration policy –  We end up with a Great New Job Victory for the Donald.  It’s 1 + 1 = 2 simple.

Clearly a great formula if your goal is … 

more shit jobs for white guys.


America's Workers Win Shit Jobs!
America’s Workers Win Shit Jobs!

Now who was rooting for that?  

The new job openings and newly lowered minimum wages. That’s no way to build the Middle Class.   That’s not what I voted for!

The Bigger Than $4 Billion deal…

If we we’re really looking out for jobs for the rust belt, and beyond, there are few near term solutions as powerful as the Iran Boeing deal.  The Midwest is sprinkled hundreds of machine shops who make 10-50% or more of their livelihoods as part of Boeing’s supply network.

In hindsight, I now suspect Trump’s out of the blue attack on Boeing over Air Force One was merely a smoke screen in anticipation of Iran deal. Seems he must have gone to at least one of the intelligence briefings.

By hitting Boeing over the Air force One earlier he will be less likely seen as being pro Boeing when he finds a way to claim it was his leadership and diplomacy that lead to the deal the first place.

Any doubts, be sure he will make it clear that it was true, because he said so.

The cluster effect of so many poisonous appointments, of people actively hostile to the institutions they are being charged to run, is overwhelming.

Predictions and Prayers…

I foresee near term economic success, spurred by renewed faith in the benevolent expression of concentrated wealth among individual billionaires and unleashed corporate giants.

That in turn followed by a collapse and/or unrest, a new form of gridlock and unfortunately some dire damage to our environment and posterity.


In the end I have to hope Trump proves to be nimble. Since he need not say what he means, he will have a lot of latitude. And given his proven ability to stray from the truth it is certainly likely some juicy surprises may yet be in store.  While it’s hard to root for a lier, I have no choice to hope he does better than I fear.




Enough is enough!

I was trying to wait.

Give the guy a chance, he may surprise you.

The “misstep” about Taiwan, – maybe it was not such a bad ploy after all…

Maybe it is a good idea to shake things up a little.

I didn’t think it right, but I could think it calculated and yeah I admit, I didn’t mind the US tweaking China’s nose  a bit.

But then the parade kept coming.

Appointment after appointment with scary implications.

I fear, it is time to say what I thought I would have to say…

to my Trump friends…

You’ve been snookered!

An oil industry secretary of state opposed to sanctions against Moscow, eager to play in Russia’s oil fields, a no minimum wage fast food, pay em peanuts head of the Department of Labor, no there no science here, climate denier as protector of our environmental health and a president who increasingly appears to be in Moscow’s pocket.

Ye Gads!

All the crap I didn’t want my lefty bomb throwers to throw pre election are coming true.

The bash on Trump and the fears are manifest!

God save us.

We may need divine intervention.

Putin has sold us the rope his predecessors prophesied and given us one of our greatest capitalists to do the dirty deed.

The CIA says the Kremlin helped.  How can we believe Trump to the contrary. His past statements have been euphemisms, a Billion dollar word for LIES.

Still weeks away, but doom is approaching for much of what the very people he said he would help need most.

The opportunity is however growing brighter. Surely the reality of this all will become evident even to his most loyal followers.

The Oil Industry and Billionaire Class have taken over the country. The liberal alliance with Western Europe is about to be overthrown by a new Moscow Washington axis.

The time to organize is upon us.

But who will be the champions? The Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warrens who can be proud of being ones of five who oppose otherwise bipartisan support on a Senate Bill that finally has bi-partisan support.

Should we be looking to the purist for leadership? To the Kieth Ellison’s whose idea of progress is to stake a line in the sand as far to the left as possible in the hopes of getting the center redefined a little closer to their ideals?

No, for even when the center is won, they turn around and attack those who made it happen as being to not good enough. Not pure enough.

That is hugely popular with the left’s elites, but unmarketable to those who see it as a game, and a game in which they are not players.

We need a new series of champions.

Good solid liberals with an ability to not only appeal to the left, but to the center and to those who don’t know what they believe.

Perhaps an Amy Klobuchar or a Jennifer Granholm? Others will emerge.

And the lay of the land looks as if there will be fertile ground to plow. Maybe not right away, but with these picks, it cannot be long before the wool falls away and the people see.

Unfortunately our emperor has clothes, the finest, and an eager group of Republican lackeys, but they will be among the first to scream when the budget goes as red as our presidents best friends in Moscow.